Draft Documents for Right Issue of Shares

The process of raising additional capital through the issuance of new shares to existing shareholders is known as a rights issue or right offer. It allows the company to raise funds without diluting the ownership of existing shareholders, as they are given the ‘right’ to purchase the newly issued shares in proportion to their current holding. However, for the right issue process to be executed smoothly, proper documentation and diligent compliance with applicable regulations is critical. This article will provide an overview of the key documents required when a company undertakes a right issue of shares.


A right issue of shares needs to be backed by accurate and complete documentation right from the planning stage to the allotment of shares. Proper documentation lends transparency and credibility to the exercise, while also ensuring adherence to legal and regulatory requirements. For companies listed on stock exchanges, compliance is paramount or else they run the risk of hefty penalties for regulatory lapses. The documentation should clearly spell out all the terms and conditions for existing shareholders regarding their rights to purchase the newly issued shares. Likewise, intimations and filings with regulatory authorities need to be timely and accurate. Thus, documentation is at the heart of a successful rights issue process.

Some of the key documents required during a right issue of shares include the letter of offer, application form, board resolution, shareholder resolution, record of shares issued, notices and intimations to shareholders/regulatory bodies. The drafting of these documents requires expertise and diligence to avoid any costly errors or omissions. Companies would do well to engage experienced merchant bankers, legal counsels and chartered accountants when embarking on a right issue of shares. Access to templates and real-life examples can also help in preparing fool-proof documentation.

With the right documentation, companies can undertake the right issue seamlessly while protecting shareholder value. This article provides a comprehensive guide to drafting the documents for a right issue of shares.

Basics of Right Issue of Shares

Before going into the specifics of documentation, it is important to understand the basics of a rights issue of shares:

  • Definition and context – A right issue is the issuance of new shares by a listed company to its existing shareholders in a particular ratio to their holdings. It allows shareholders to buy the new shares at a discounted price compared to the current market rate before they are offered to the public. This way, their stake in the company does not get diluted.
  • Key difference from other share issues – In a rights issue, the new shares are offered only to existing shareholders in proportion to their current shareholding. In a public issue or preferential allotment, shares can be allotted to new investors or select investors.
  • Benefits for shareholders – Shareholders get the right but not the obligation to buy additional shares at a discounted price. Their ownership stake remains intact. The company raises capital without diluting shareholder value.
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Right issues come with inherent advantages for both shareholders and the company. Proper documentation ensures these benefits can be realized smoothly while meeting compliance norms.

When drafting right issue documents, companies need to adhere to the applicable legal and regulatory provisions:

  • For listed companies in India, SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) regulations concerning rights issues are key. This includes guidelines on pricing of shares, timelines, disclosures in the offer document etc.
  • Other regulations under the SEBI Act and Companies Act, 2013 may also apply to matters like notices, shareholder approval, register of members etc.
  • In the US, listed companies need to follow SEC guidelines and file Form S-1 for rights offerings. Other country-specific regulations will apply.
  • Penalties for non-compliance can be steep and involve heavy fines or prosecution in some cases. Companies risk their reputation as well if found violating norms.

The legal team should thoroughly review the relevant regulations and draft documents accordingly. External counsel can be engaged if needed for complex compliance aspects.

Essential Documents for Right Issue of Shares

Let us now look at the key documents that companies need to draft for a right issue:

4.1 Letter of Offer

  • Purpose: The Letter of Offer contains all the terms and conditions of the right issue and disclosures about the company for shareholders to make an informed decision. SEBI mandates the filing of this offer document.
  • Contents: Details of the offer size, issue price, rights entitlement ratio, use of proceeds, financial statements, risk factors, management discussion, applicable regulations etc. It is like a prospectus.
  • Key details: The Letter of Offer should be accurate, comprehensive and transparent. Information shared must be adequate and timely. Ambiguity should be avoided.

4.2 Application Form

  • Structure: The application form will have fields like name, address, folio number, number of shares held, rights entitlement, additional shares applied for etc. along with a signature field.
  • Elements: It must contain all instructions for filling up the form as well as notes about options like renunciation or lapse of rights. Addresses for submission and bank accounts for share application money need to be specified.
  • Clarity: Proper numbering of sections, readable font and adequate spacing should be used to ensure shareholders can easily understand the form and fill it correctly.

4.3 Board Resolution

  • Purpose: The board resolution provides legal sanction to the right issue based on board consent and authorizes concerned officials to execute the process.
  • Wording: It should specify details like issue size, price, entitlement ratio, purpose, appointment of intermediaries, execution of documents, filing of regulatory notices and other relevant information.
  • Significance: A board resolution lends credibility and demonstrates the board has exercised prudent judgement in recommending the right issue for shareholder approval.
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4.4 Shareholder Resolution

  • Context: A special resolution of shareholders approving the right issue may be required under company law or other statutory provisions.
  • Process: Notice of general meeting, explanatory statement, terms of resolution, voting requirements and outcome should adhere to applicable legal requirements.
  • Outcomes: The resolution should capture details like overwhelming majority (75%+) in favor of the right issue, number of votes cast for/against etc. as per statutory guidelines.

4.5 Record of Shares Issued

  • Purpose: The company must maintain a register of shares issued and securities premium account when new shares are allotted under the right issue.
  • Details: Particulars like folio number, name of shareholder, shares held before/after issue, securities premium amount should be captured. This acts as an official record for the company.
  • Significance: The record is important for accounting, audit, tax, regulatory reporting and analytics purposes. It also acts as evidence of share allotments should any disputes arise.

4.6 Notices and Intimations

  • Shareholder notices: At least 3 notices to shareholders are required as per SEBI – advance notice when right issue is approved, notice of board meeting to consider allotment, final intimation post allotment.
  • Regulatory intimations: Intimations on rights issue approval, basis of allotment, fund utilization etc. need to be filed with SEBI, stock exchanges and other bodies as per regulations.
  • Statutory timelines: Notices and intimations should be sent well before the mandated due dates to avoid non-compliance implications.

Process Flow for Right Issue

The typical process flow for a right issue is as follows:

  • Board approval – Board reviews proposal and approves right issue through resolution
  • Shareholder approval – Shareholders pass special resolution if required under law
  • Appoint intermediaries – Legal counsel, registrars, bankers, printers appointed
  • Documentation – Letter of offer, application forms and other documents drafted
  • Filings and listing – File offer document with SEBI, stock exchanges. Obtain observation letters
  • Notice to shareholders – Inform shareholders of right issue and terms through notices
  • Issue opening – Right issue opens for subscription on scheduled date
  • Allotment – Evaluate response, allot shares to shareholders who applied
  • Refunds – Remaining application money refunded in case of oversubscription
  • Post-issue filings – Inform SEBI, stock exchanges. List new shares.
  • Utilize proceeds – Rightfully utilize issue proceeds as stated in offer document

Best practices would warrant completion of each step well before the scheduled timeline and avoiding last minute changes. Companies should also build in buffer timelines in case approvals/review cycles take longer than anticipated.

Key Considerations for Drafting Documents

Some of the key considerations when drafting right issue documents are:

  • Transparency – Documents should contain all material information about the company, offer, rights and risks involved for shareholders to make an informed decision. Omissions or selective disclosures should be avoided.
  • Accuracy – All details, statements, names, addresses, dates, figures, citations etc. provided in documents must be thoroughly verified and accurate. This minimizes litigation risks.
  • Legal compliance – Documents should adhere to all applicable laws and regulations. Non-compliance can jeopardize the entire issue despite best intentions.
  • Shareholder interests – The rights issue terms should be structured in a way that existing shareholders’ interests are protected and value creation is ensured. This encourages shareholder participation.
  • Consistency – There should be no contradictions or inconsistencies within documents. Terms and figures should match across sections. Standard formats and templates can help achieve consistency.
  • Clarity – Documents should be legible, well-formatted and easy to understand for shareholders. Industry jargon and complex legal terminology should be avoided as far as possible.
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Challenges and Common Mistakes

Some of the common mistakes seen on right issue documents include:

  • Incomplete or incorrect disclosures in the Letter of Offer
  • Ambiguous statements open to misinterpretation
  • Errors in details like names, dates, figures mentioned
  • Inconsistencies between various documents
  • Complex legalese making documents difficult to comprehend
  • Delayed filings and issue opening without regulatory approvals
  • Technical glitches or errors in application form or allotment process
  • Delay in refunding unblocked share application money
  • Non-compliance with SEBI ICDR guidelines at various stages

Such errors can attract penalties, litigation by aggrieved shareholders, delay the issue, create confusion and earn a poor reputation for the company. Hiring competent merchant bankers and legal counsels can help avoid common mistakes. Following templates and past filings also helps get it right the first time.

Digital Documentation in Rights Issues

Technological tools are facilitating and improving documentation for right issues in multiple ways:

  • Document management systems help store, retrieve and track right issue documents efficiently.
  • Automated report generation tools create customized reports on rights entitlement, allotments etc. quickly.
  • Digital application forms reduce data entry errors and make the process paperless.
  • Blockchain-based solutions enable real time tracking, irrefutable logs and better security/transparency.
  • Digital signatures and e-documentation ensure authenticity and prevent forgeries.
  • Web portals give shareholders easy access to issue documents directly.

However, companies also need robust cybersecurity measures like access controls, encryption and disaster recovery mechanisms to secure sensitive shareholder data in online documents. Adopting technology solutions can make right issue documentation more resilient.


Proper documentation is critical to the success of any right issue of shares. It not only makes the process systematic and transparent but also ensures compliance with regulations. Companies should pay meticulous attention to drafting accurate documents like the Letter of Offer, application form, resolutions and notices for a smooth right issue. Hiring reputable intermediaries and legal counsels, adhering to prescribed formats and timelines, leveraging technology solutions and avoiding common pitfalls can help get the documentation right. With the right documents, companies can efficiently raise capital while protecting shareholder interests through a right issue of shares.